Sunday 14 April 2013

Hello 2013!

I would say that in a lot of situations, I am able to see the positive aspects but definitely not often enough. I will more than likely think of all the negatives of something before I even consider a more positive outcome. It's mostly reflected in the mood I am in. I need to stop finding things wrong with everything and start looking for all the great things in sticky situations and remember that it's not the be all and end all if things don't go as planned.

I remember that it was sometimes quite a struggle to drink enough water, but I managed to and that it made me feel so much better inside and out. I felt a lot more healthy, a lot more hydrated and my skin was also thankful. It's certainly not an easy thing for me to try and do as I'm naturally not a very thirsty person, it doesn't take me a lot of liquid before I feel like i'm going to burst from the inside out or wee myself. haha. I'm going to try and drink a lot more, whether I manage to complete a 2L bottle a day or just come close, it will be a vast improvement.

Be the best of you. This is one of my favourite quotes. I'm not sure where it comes from but I currently have this quote set as my desktop background. I like that it encourages you to be the very best you can be, surround yourself with people that bring out the best in you and don't be anything but yourself.

So those are my little personal challenges/goals I have decided to set myself. Some are working well already. I am going to really make the most of this year, and I hope you all do too. "Happily ever after starts here". :)

What sort of challenges and resolutions have you set yourself for 2013?
Are you hoping to look back over them in a year and have completed a good handful if not all of them?

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